Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Microsoft Bringing the A Game

This Thursday is a very big day in the world of Windows.

Windows 7, Microsoft’s response to the debacle known as Vista will hit shelves on Thursday and will be a tell tale sign for the struggling software maker who is currently getting bombed in the tech market by rival Apple.

Only days after Apple reported an overall profit of $1.67 billion, Windows will launch its ace in the hole in hopes of at least securing the top spot among all operating systems manufacturers.

Ever since the unsuccessful launch of Vista, Microsoft has gone through with a slew of advertisement campaigns that have brought them nothing but a greater comparison to the more brand relevant Apple, whose Mac’s, iPhones, and iPods have changed the landscape of the computer.

Windows 7 is intended to be a more focused, incremental upgrade to the Windows line, with the goal of being fully compatible with applications and hardware with which Windows Vista is already compatible. Presentations given by Microsoft in 2008 focused on multi-touch support, a redesigned Windows Shell with a new taskbar, a home networking system called HomeGroup, and performance improvements.

The taskbar has seen the biggest visual changes, where the Quick Launch toolbar has been replaced with pinning applications to the task-bar. Buttons for pinned applications are integrated with the task buttons. These buttons also enable the Jump Lists feature to allow easy access to common tasks.

These changes were enacted with the intent of making the system more user friendly, and aesthetically pleasing. Windows goal is to make the system appealing to both new and previous Windows users. Despite new branding efforts, a new hire in the sales position to push the product, and a brand name that consumers recognize, the performance of Windows 7 on the market will come down to how users rate it. Especially with a technology product, word will spread quickly whether Windows 7 is the real deal, or another mistake by Microsoft.

By this time next week, the fate of Windows 7 will be decided.

Be sure to check out our Twitter account for constant updates on the product release.

Joe Carretta


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