Monday, February 14, 2011

Nokia partnered with Microsoft

A recent CNN article discussed Nokia has teamed up software giant Microsoft, the two companies plan on combining their efforts in hopes of increasing market share. A part of new agreement establishes that Nokia will be adopting Windows phones as its smartphone platform and Bing will be the default search engine on all Nokia phones. In regards to Nokia, they will provide software for mapping and other programs that will be added to Microsoft’s offerings.

Early Friday morning the two chief executives announced that this strategic partnership will be long-term. Like Nokia, Microsoft‘s share of the smartphone segment begin to crumble. According Gartner, last year Nokia had dropped to 37.6% from 46.9% the year before. Since this downturn both companies have begun efforts to revamp their smartphone platforms. Microsoft developed a new smartphone late last year called Windows Phone 7. In Nokia’s case, the new system MeeGoo will be dropped in support of the Windows Phone 7. With this alliance, experts believe that both companies chance of success will improve.

Please refer to link for the full article:

Josh Rush

1 comment:

  1. What an exciting merge :> I think this post is from a little while before the big break of Smartphones by nokia. Right?
