Monday, June 15, 2009

Dont Compromise; Virtualize

For companies who run their business off of multiple servers, the term “going green” now holds dual meanings. VM Ware Inc., a global leader in software for industry-standard virtualized desktops and servers, specializes in server virtualization, which increases a servers utilization rate tenfold.

By virtualizing, a company can save both time and money because multiple applications can be run off of one server, which means less maintenance, energy, and upfront costs are required to keep the company up and running. The method also protects a company in the event a given server goes down. When virtualized, it is possible to quickly get the down application up and running without troubleshooting an entire server.

Today, VMware Inc. introduced a self-service Web-based TCO Calculator that estimates the return on investment of VMware Infrastructure, the industry’s most robust virtualization software suite, and provides a detailed report of potential cost savings.

By crunching numbers, the Calculator can determine how energy efficient a company servers are running, and how much the company can save by virtualizing their servers. This cost cutting method not only benefits the company, but helps reduce its carbon footprint.

The TNS Group offers VMware services, and can make a difference for your business today. Server virtualization is the future of data management, and will soon make servers holding only one set of applications archaic. Take your IT services to the next level and virtualize your servers soon.

Mother nature, and your bottom line will both be better off

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